Data Provenance

Data Provenance

Data Provenance

We record the provenance of every triple added to the Registry in order to properly attribute assertions and to enable users to make their own judgement about an assertion’s authority or credibility.

A Graph is a representation of a triple or set of triples connected by one or more common nodes.

A Data Creator is a person, organization, or piece of software or algorithm responsible for creating the information represented in the graph.

A Data Source is the dataset, data record, or application where the graph originated. EIther a Data Creator or Data Source should be included in a graph’s data provenance, but both can be present. For instance, a data creator may add new information to the graph via an application.

A Source Record is a single record from a dataset, such as a catalog record, a finding aid, a row from a spreadsheet or CSV file, or a card from an index.

A Dataset is a discrete collection of data, such as a catalog, a database, a bibliography, a CSV file, etc.


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