Additional Endpoint Documentation
Additional Endpoint Documentation
Path | Returning Data |
/api/nypl/locations/v1.0 | Locations API landing page |
/api/nypl/locations/v1.0/locations | All locations |
/api/nypl/locations/v1.0/locations/<slug> | Location identified by <slug> |
Cached NDOs
Path | Returning Data |
/api/nypl/ndo/v0.1/alerts | A list of coming and current alerts |
/api/nypl/ndo/v0.1/site-data/footer-items | Footer items for new homepage |
/api/nypl/ndo/v0.1/site-data/header-items | Header items for new homepage |
/api/nypl/ndo/v0.1/staff-picks/staff-pick-lists | Monthly staff book recommendations |
/api/nypl/ndo/v0.1/staff-profiles | Staff Profiles |
Non-cached NDOs
Path | Returning Data |
/api/nypl/ndo/v0.1/locations/libraries | A list of libraries and their attributes |
/api/nypl/ndo/v0.1/locations/libraries/<tid> | A library and its attributes given the library's location taxonomy id |
/api/nypl/ndo/v0.1/content/alerts/<nid> | A coming or current alert given the alert's node id |
Each endpoint returns the latest 50 entries by default, which can be customized with the following parameters
Path | Returning Data |
/api/nypl/ndo/v0.1/blog-post?page[size]=116 | Returns the most recent 116 blog posts. |
/api/nypl/ndo/v0.1/blog-post?page[number]=2 | Returns the second page, 51st-100th most recent blog posts. |
/api/nypl/ndo/v0.1/blog-post?page[size]=100&page[number]=2 | Returns the 101st-200th most recent blog posts. |
, multiple selections available,
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