Additional Endpoint Documentation

Additional Endpoint Documentation


PathReturning Data
Locations API landing page
All locations
Location identified by <slug>


Cached NDOs

PathReturning Data
A list of coming and current alerts
Footer items for new homepage
Header items for new homepage
/api/nypl/ndo/v0.1/staff-picks/staff-pick-listsMonthly staff book recommendations
/api/nypl/ndo/v0.1/staff-profilesStaff Profiles


Non-cached NDOs

PathReturning Data
A list of libraries and their attributes
A library and its attributes given the library's location taxonomy id
A coming or current alert given the alert's node id


Each endpoint returns the latest 50 entries by default, which can be customized with the following parameters

PathReturning Data
Returns the most recent 116 blog posts.
Returns the second page, 51st-100th most recent blog posts.
Returns the 101st-200th most recent blog posts.

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