{ "_id": "67638440-c52a-012f-8068-3c075448cc4b", "abstracts": [], "agents": [ { "authority": "naf", "namePart": "John and Paul Knapton (Firm)", "role": [ "http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/pbl" ], "type": "corporate", "usage": false, "valueURI": false }, { "authority": "naf", "namePart": "Seale, Richard William", "role": [ "http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/egr" ], "type": "personal", "usage": false, "valueURI": false }, { "authority": "naf", "namePart": "Bolton, Solomon (d. ca. 1768 )", "role": [ "http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/ctg" ], "type": "personal", "usage": "primary", "valueURI": false }, { "authority": "naf", "namePart": "Postlethwayt, Malachy (1707?-1767 )", "role": [ "http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut" ], "type": "personal", "usage": false, "valueURI": false }, { "authority": "naf", "namePart": "Gravelot, Hubert Fran\u00e7ois (1699-1773)", "role": [ "http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/art" ], "type": "personal", "usage": false, "valueURI": false }, { "authority": "naf", "namePart": "Walker, Anthony (1726-1765 )", "role": [ "http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/egr" ], "type": "personal", "usage": false, "valueURI": false }, { "authority": "naf", "namePart": "Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d' (1697-1782 )", "role": [ "http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/asn" ], "type": "personal", "usage": false, "valueURI": false } ], "bNumber": "b14870340", "callNumber": "Map Div. 00-348", "captureIds": [ "434597" ], "catnyp": "b6508356", "collectionUuid": "5cd94760-c52a-012f-bcd4-3c075448cc4b", "containerUuid": "5d52f8d0-c52a-012f-8383-3c075448cc4b", "dateIssued": "1752", "dates": [ { "encoding": false, "field": "dateIssued", "keyDate": "yes", "point": false, "type": "w3cdtf", "value": "1752" } ], "divisions": [ "MAP", "MAP" ], "genres": [], "hades": "253229", "languages": [], "mmsDb": "3012460", "mmsType": "Item", "mmsUuid": "67638440-c52a-012f-8068-3c075448cc4b", "notes": [ { "text": "\"Mr. Postlethwayt's Dictionary of commerce.\"", "type": "content" }, { "text": "LC Maps of North America, 1750-1789, 13", "type": "citation/reference" }, { "text": "Shows provinces, cities and towns, forts, Indian villages and tribal territory.", "type": "content" }, { "text": "Copy in Map Div. 00-348: Mercator Society Fund.", "type": "content" }, { "text": "Includes historical and descriptive notes, and an inset chart of Baffin Bay and Hudson Bay.", "type": "content" }, { "text": "Mercator Society Fund.", "type": "content" }, { "text": "Prime meridian: Ferro.", "type": "content" }, { "text": "Relief shown pictorially.", "type": "content" }, { "text": "\"N.B. This large map of North America was originally engrav'd at Paris, ...\"", "type": "content" }, { "text": "Also shows shoals, banks, and other navigational hazards off the coast of Nova Scotia and in the Caribbean area.", "type": "content" }, { "text": "National Endowment for the Humanities Grant for Access to Early Maps of the Middle Atlantic Seaboard.", "type": "content" }, { "text": "greatly improved by Mr. Bolton ; engrav,d by R. W. Seale ; Gravelot, delin. ; Walker, sculp.", "type": "statement of responsibility" } ], "oclc": "5406800", "originInfo": "1752[London]Printed for John and Paul Knapton,", "parents": [ "5d52f8d0-c52a-012f-8383-3c075448cc4b", "5cd94760-c52a-012f-bcd4-3c075448cc4b" ], "sourceSystem": "mms", "subjects": [ { "authority": "lcsh", "nameType": false, "text": "North America -- Maps -- Early works to 1800", "type": "geographic", "valueURI": false }, { "authority": false, "nameType": false, "text": "N0520000 --N0060000,W1140000 --W0520000\n N 52\u00b0--N 6\u00b0,W 114\u00b0--W 52\u00b0\n Scale [ca. 1:6,000,000] (Type: 1) (Category: a)", "type": "cartographics", "valueURI": false } ], "title": "North America performed under the patronage of Louis Duke of Orleans, First Prince of the Blood by the Sieur d'Anville", "titles": [ { "authority": false, "lang": false, "partName": false, "partNumber": false, "primary": true, "script": false, "subTitle": false, "supplied": "no", "title": "North America performed under the patronage of Louis Duke of Orleans, First Prince of the Blood by the Sieur d'Anville", "type": false } ] }